Kody participated in a drive by shooting the other day. Smiles! We were out taking our dog for his daily walk. Two kids were playing in their front yard and told us, "Stick em up". We played along with them and put our hands up. They were holding fake rifles. I continued to walk and one kid said, "If you move, I'll shoot." I told him we had to finish our walk so he shot us. Kody had a bright idea. He said "Let's go home and I'll get my weapons." He has pretend machine guns. So that's what we did. We went home, got his guns, and I loaded him up in the car. When we got there, there was not a kid in sight. We drove around the block. There were two adults outside so I went and asked if the two boys were theirs. They said yes. I explained what was up and they said they would get the boys to come out. We made another trip around the block. This time the boys were waiting for us with their guns drawn. Kody rolled his window half way down and began shooting (oh by the way his gun has sound effects). It was hilarious. The parents died laughing. The boys couldn't stop laughing. Finally, one said I'm dead and fell down. Now, when we walk Kody takes his guns. We have had a couple of "shoot outs". Hopefully, the police will never show up. Smiles!