So, what happened?
I was going home from work on Friday, February 20, 2009 at 4:15 pm. I was on Highway 84 (a two-way, two lane hwy) between Mexia and Teague. Tasha and the missionaries were coming over for dinner. Chicken fried steaks were lying on my counter thawing. I had just set my cruise control to 70 (the posted speed limit). Before I realized what was going on - there was a truck stopped trying to make a left turn. I don't believe he had his blinker on but he says otherwise. Anyway, I was up on him before I realized he was stopped. I slammed on the breaks and swerved to the right trying to steer into a pasture. I remember saying, "God, please help me."
Luckily, there was a nurse or may I say an angel on the scene. She immediately jumped in my back seat to hold my head straight. She talked to me, comforted me, and tried to keep my mind off the pain. I was covered in glass shards. My knees were pinned by the dashboard. My left foot and hand were throbbing. It took the emergency people about 20-25 minutes to arrive on the scene. They had to pry my door open and cut my dashboard to get me out. I prayed that I would be awake and aware of everything the entire time (I was). I joked with the emergency people - they asked me what personals did I need them to take from the car - I replied the papers in the backseat but they needed to be graded before they returned them because report cards were due. They put me on a stretcher and got me on an IV. One of the paramedics asked if I had ever flown. I said on a plane. They then life-flighted me to Waco because they thought my foot/ankle was severely broken. When we got to Waco the paramedic asked how was the flight. I said, "Sorry". She asked why. I said my first time on a helicopter and all I could do was stare at the ceiling. I had a neck brace on and couldn't even look out the window. She smiled. They said they wished all their patients were as happy and positive as I was. I said, "Did you see my car." They responded yes. I said "I'm blessed that only my leg is hurting."
The tip of my tibia that holds my knee cap broke off. I will have reconstructive surgery on Tuesday, March 3, 2009.
All I really have to say is that LIFE IS GOOD AND GOD IS GREAT!!!