1. In an earlier blog, I wrote about my uncle that has been bed-ridden. This week he has returned to his former work. He is now working part-time as an Engineer, once again! Go, Parks! We are so proud of you!!!
2. I found out that one of my friends that has been struggling with cancer, Hodgkins Lymphoma, is now cancer free!!! She has endured chemo, a stem-cell transplant, and so much more. She recently found out that she had contracted GVH disease, a disease where the donor's white blood cells believed her own body was foreign and began attacking it. She lost a lot of weight (including muscle tone) and got a severe rash. However, this was a miraculous disease, it ATE up all the Cancer. She is now cancer free. Wendy, you have been an inspiration to many of us! You Go Girl!!!

On top of all this I've been sick, out of school for two days. I went to the doctor this morning. I had 2 ear infections, 1 sinus infection, and strep throat. Got a shot at 10:00 am and felt almost perfect by 2:00 pm. Penicillin is a Miracle Drug!!!
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