I seriously need to get my internet back up and running at home. I miss putting my tidbits on here. A few highlights for this year... Jessica and Kaitlyn spent Spring Break with us in Teague. They tie dyed the entire week. Their fingers were rainbow colored. The school year finished on a good note. I was more ready than the students for a break this year. Kody and I went to Austin and San Antonio for our Summer Fun. We finally got to see Shamu. Kody has waited his entire life. We actually saw the show twice. Hopefully, I will post pics, soon. Now, we are staying in Houston. Dr. Cheryl Hinds is going to work on Kody's scoliosis this summer. She's also going to try and work on my back and leg - leftover junk from the accident. I've been researching and I might have to have the metal taken out of my leg. My leg keeps swelling and it is still painful. I am not able to walk long distances, jump, jog, or kneel. On the other hand, I am continuing to ride my bike. I have decided to buy the Trek Lexa S Road Bike. I should get it in approximately one month. My first bike ride for the year will be July 4th in Conroe for Bridgewood Farms. This is a really great Dayhab for Special People. Check them out. http://web.bridgewoodfarms.org/ Well, I know this is short and sweet and a little on the boring side but I just wanted to get a few of the things written down before I do like last year and forget it all. Toodles!
Well, I didn't get the new bike, yet. Life happens and money runs out. Hopefully I can get it by next summer.
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