Kayla's Korner

There are posts on talks that I have given at church, journals, and pics of my kiddos. Do a search for either talks, journals, or pics and see what you find. Scroll down to see the latest posts or click on one of the sites, videos, or slideshows to the right for additional info. All of the yummy recipes have been moved to Kayla's Kitchen at http://curiousjogeorge-kaylaskitchen.blogspot.com/ . You can also visit my Kraftin' Korner at http://kaylaskraftinkorner.blogspot.com/ .

My Loved Ones...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 Christmas Gifts

Christmas Ornaments

Texas/Melted Snowman - Made from hot glue, blue beads for the eyes, orange pipe cleaner for the nose and red beads for the mouth, hat and flag are laminated paper. First place a piece blue yarn on a piece of parchment paper. Squeeze a whole bunch of hot glue on top, leaving enough yarn for the hanger. Place the beads, pipe cleaner, hat and flag in the hot glue.

Snowman Ball Ornament - Made with a white, glass ball ornament, orange clay for the nose, red fuzz balls and pipecleaner for the ear muffs and red felt for the scarf.

Christmas Gifts -
Dirty Santa/Stealing Santa/White Elephant/Chinese/ Yankee Swap

Santa's Underwear - Get a pair of XL men's underwear, tie the legs off with ribbon, stuff with candy and other things. Tie off and place the following poem on it.
I looked for a stocking,
But could not find a spare.
So, I ended up stuffing
Santa's plaid (red, green, Christmas) underwear!
Reindeer Poop - Make a baggie of Cocoa Puff Cookies (See Kayla's Kitchen for recipe).
Attach the following poem...
I woke up with such a scare when I heard Santa call...
"Now dash away, dash away, dash away all!
I ran to the lawn and in the snowy white drifts,...
those nasty reindeer had left "little gifts".
I got an old shovel and started to scoop
neat little piles of "reindeer poop".
But to throw them away, seemed such a waste,
So I saved them, thinking ~ you might like a taste!
As I finished my task, which took quite awhile,
Old Santa passed by and he sheepishly smiled.
And I heard him exclaim as he rose in the sky
"Well, they're not potty trained, but at least they can fly!"

Bag of Coal - Fill a bag with charcoal and place the following poem on it.
I heard you have been naughty not nice,
And Santa even checked his list twice.
So all the way from the cold North Pole
all you're getting is a bag of coal.

Small Christmas Gifts
Potato Soup Mix
In a baggie - Combine 1 T. dried onion flakes, 1/8 tsp. dillweed, 1 T. Knorr Herb & Garlic Mix, 1/2 tsp. salt, pinch of pepper, 5 1/2 T potato flakes.
In another baggie - Add some soda crackers.
Make the following tag...
Cream of Potato Soup Mix
1 1/4 C. water
1 T. butter
Place Cream of potato soup mix from a bag in a mug. In a small saucepan over medium heat, place water and butter. Mix well and bring to a boil. Pour heated butter mixture over ingredients in mug. Mix well, cover and let sit for 5 minutes. If desired, top with shredded Cheddar cheese, sour cream, or soda crackers. Enjoy!

Other Gifts
Magnetic Paper Dolls - Glue the child's name and paper dolls onto a magnetic dry erase board using puzzle glue. Laminate the clothes and stick magnets on the back.

Fleece Cape - Use Simplicity Pattern 3981

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Differentiated Learning

Love this Clip. Hannah has made up a song and dance to study for her anatomy test. She gets sent out of class during the test because her teacher thinks she is cheating when she starts to dance in her seat.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Web Pages / Sites for kids

These are some of the websites that I have found and used as a teacher and parent. If you find a link that does not work please notify me so I can fix it. Thanks.

www.kids-cooking-activities.com (Recipes, How-to Videos, Pic Recipes for non-readers, & much more)

http://www.kids.gov/ (Kids portal for the U.S. government)

http://www.getalife.tx.gov/ (Site for Jr. High Students to think big when planning their future)

http://www.ipl.org/youth (Internet Public Library)

http://www.seussville.com/ (Dr. Suess games and more)

http://www.legoclub.com/ (Lego Website)

http://www.northpole.com/ (All kinds of Christmas games, books, Santa tracker, recipes, etc.)

http://www.multiplication.com/ (Tons of multiplication facts games)

http://www.funbrain.com/ (educational games)

http://www.funranch.com/ (games)

http://funschool.kaboose.com/ (games)

http://www.spellingcity.com/ (Spelling activities)

http://wordle.net/ (cute scrapbooking signs)

http://prongo.com/games (kid games)

http://http//www.nick.com/ (Nickelodeon Website)

http://www.chuckecheese.com/ (Chuck E. Cheese Website)

http://www.ohioart.com/etch/virtual_popup.jsp (Etch a Sketch)

http://www.mathplayground.com/games.html (Math games)

http://www.tvokids.com/ (Kid Games)

http://urbanext.illinois.edu/kids/index.html (games)

http://www.esc12.net/faces/ (Faces Curriculum)

http://www.apples4theteacher.com/ (Coloring pages, Games, Activities & more)

http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/activities/ (Algebra & Geometry Games)

http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/ (All types of graph making)

http://www.hardin.k12.ky.us/res_techn/countyjeopardygames.htm (lots of jeopardy games)

http://allaboutfrogs.org/froglnd.shtml (Website about Frogs)

http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson/lesson177.shtml (Science Experiments)

http://crafts.kaboose.com/gifts/classic-crafts.html (crafts)

http://www.worksheetuniverse.com/ (Preschool - 1st Grade Printable Worksheets)

http://family.go.com/video/food/ (Disney How to Cook Videos)

http://www.mathfactcafe.com/ (Build your own printable math worksheets)

http://education.jlab.org/vocabhangman/index.html (Science Vocabulary Hangman)

http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/games/ (Games)

http://www.primarygames.com/fractions/4a.htm (Pizza Party Fraction Game)

http://www.math-drills.com/ (Printable Math Worksheets)

http://www.smartalecbooks.com/ (Favorite Place to order homeschool books. They are extremely friendly, accurate, and prompt)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Before & After

It's amazing what doctors can do these days. The bottom x-ray shows my broken and crushed tibia plateau. The top x-ray shows the plate and pins. I'm not allowed to put any weight on the leg for 4 months. The doctor put a bone graph (from the crushed bone and synthetic bone) where the bone was crushed to get the bone to grow. In the end my bone should grow and fill in the space.

Most of my pain has finally gone away. I am able to hop around and drive the wheel chair in my house. I'm getting pretty good at maneuvering. I won't be going anywhere for a long time. It's hard to get in and out of my house due to the steps. Also, the pain meds keep me drowsy so I sleep 50% of the day. A positive is that I'm losing weight. The meds keep me where I'm never hungry. Also, when the nurse comes to see my staples - that makes me nauseous - so, I don't feel like eating afterwards. Smiles!

I will try and keep everyone updated. Thanks for the cards, gifts, phone calls, and prayers! God is totally in control. With His healing powers, it won't be long 'till I am up and going again!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Car Accident 2-20-2009

So, what happened?

I was going home from work on Friday, February 20, 2009 at 4:15 pm. I was on Highway 84 (a two-way, two lane hwy) between Mexia and Teague. Tasha and the missionaries were coming over for dinner. Chicken fried steaks were lying on my counter thawing. I had just set my cruise control to 70 (the posted speed limit). Before I realized what was going on - there was a truck stopped trying to make a left turn. I don't believe he had his blinker on but he says otherwise. Anyway, I was up on him before I realized he was stopped. I slammed on the breaks and swerved to the right trying to steer into a pasture. I remember saying, "God, please help me."

Luckily, there was a nurse or may I say an angel on the scene. She immediately jumped in my back seat to hold my head straight. She talked to me, comforted me, and tried to keep my mind off the pain. I was covered in glass shards. My knees were pinned by the dashboard. My left foot and hand were throbbing. It took the emergency people about 20-25 minutes to arrive on the scene. They had to pry my door open and cut my dashboard to get me out. I prayed that I would be awake and aware of everything the entire time (I was). I joked with the emergency people - they asked me what personals did I need them to take from the car - I replied the papers in the backseat but they needed to be graded before they returned them because report cards were due. They put me on a stretcher and got me on an IV. One of the paramedics asked if I had ever flown. I said on a plane. They then life-flighted me to Waco because they thought my foot/ankle was severely broken. When we got to Waco the paramedic asked how was the flight. I said, "Sorry". She asked why. I said my first time on a helicopter and all I could do was stare at the ceiling. I had a neck brace on and couldn't even look out the window. She smiled. They said they wished all their patients were as happy and positive as I was. I said, "Did you see my car." They responded yes. I said "I'm blessed that only my leg is hurting."

The tip of my tibia that holds my knee cap broke off. I will have reconstructive surgery on Tuesday, March 3, 2009.

All I really have to say is that LIFE IS GOOD AND GOD IS GREAT!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wordle: The George Family

I made this sign at http://www.wordle.net/ .

Visit this site and have some fun.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

The Globetrotter's in Dallas, TX on Jan. 31, 2009

We left our house at 8:30 am. We drove around and went site seeing. We found a McDonald's in the shape of a Happy Meal Box and we had to stop for lunch. Then we headed off to the American Airlines Center. The pics don't do the Globetrotter's justice. The boys laughed and laughed. We had a great time. We all got t-shirts and Kody got a basketball. We were going to get it signed but the lines were too long and they were only signing autographs for a certain amount of time. After the game I took them to Chuck E. Cheese. They played games for hours. We didn't get home till almost 9:00pm.

The Allred's

What a beautiful day. This week has been hard. I was sick the majority of it. I went to the doctor on Thursday to find out I had two ear infections, a sinus infection, and strep throat. So, you can imagine the week.

Today, I was going to take Kody up to the church for a service project. They were meeting at the church and then driving to Coolidge to help a member move some stuff in a trailer. However, I overslept. I decided I wanted Kody to help so I made him get up and get dressed. I knew we had missed the meeting time so we drove out to Coolidge. By the time we got there everyone was finished and had already gone home.

We met President Allred at the church. He invited us to his place. We had so much fun just talking and hanging out with him and his wife, Bonnie. Kody helped feed the cows. Kody and I rode in the back of his truck while he drove us around his land. Pres. Allred showed us how to find mole tunnels and put poison in them. The tunnels cause the ground to become unstable (when his cows walk over them they can fall and get injured). He made it look so easy. He just dropped this metal pole in the ground - so it seemed. He asked if anyone wanted to help. I said yes, but when I dropped the pole it went no where!

Pres. Allred set a can on a fallen tree limb so Kody could use it as a target. Kody hit it on his 3rd try. He was so excited. Eventually, Kody shot the can off the branch. He was smiling ear to ear. Kody had a great day! And so did Mom!!!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Life is Good, God is Great!

What a day!?!?!! I've had prayers answered today that I want to share with everyone.

1. In an earlier blog, I wrote about my uncle that has been bed-ridden. This week he has returned to his former work. He is now working part-time as an Engineer, once again! Go, Parks! We are so proud of you!!!

2. I found out that one of my friends that has been struggling with cancer, Hodgkins Lymphoma, is now cancer free!!! She has endured chemo, a stem-cell transplant, and so much more. She recently found out that she had contracted GVH disease, a disease where the donor's white blood cells believed her own body was foreign and began attacking it. She lost a lot of weight (including muscle tone) and got a severe rash. However, this was a miraculous disease, it ATE up all the Cancer. She is now cancer free. Wendy, you have been an inspiration to many of us! You Go Girl!!!

3. My life-long friend has suffered through heartache that I have never experienced and I'm not sure I would have been able to handle. She has endured 2 miscarriages to 2 pregnancies that she has hoped, wished, and longed for. Today, I found out that she is 7 weeks pregnant. She had her first ultra-sound today. The heartbeat was strong. The baby is in a good, safe position. I told her I know that prayer works and MIRACLES DO HAPPEN. I just witnessed three. I have prayed every night for almost 2 years for my uncle and Wendy's health. I have prayed that she would again have a baby. I never gave up. God works in his own time and gives us what we need when we need it. Come September, Leslie will be holding her healthy, little baby. I know because prayer works, God listens, and miracles happen!!!

On top of all this I've been sick, out of school for two days. I went to the doctor this morning. I had 2 ear infections, 1 sinus infection, and strep throat. Got a shot at 10:00 am and felt almost perfect by 2:00 pm. Penicillin is a Miracle Drug!!!

The Mom Song

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Blast From the Past

If you're reading this then you are Tagged!

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a blog with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you on your blog.

1. I'm a SPED Teacher for boys that should be in TYC but aren't because they are mentally retarded and can't be tried. Most of them have committed a serious crime.

2. I LOVE my job - most of the time.

3. I took ROTC and Karate while in college and loved it.

4. So far, I have completed life a little backwards. I got pregnant, graduated high school, then married, and had my first child, Jessica Leigh all in that order in 1990. Jessica is a beauty. She turned 18 in December.

5. 1992, we moved to Darmstadt Germany. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant when I got on a plane with as many belongings as I could carry plus a 2 year old child. My husband at the time was already in Germany so I made the trip alone.What was I thinking?

6. I had my second child, Richard Kody in 1992. He was born with the umbilical wrapped around his neck 3 times. He lost quite a bit of oxygen. He has mental retardation but is smarter than many adults that I know.

7. I divorced in 1998 and then went to college as a single mother.That was stupid - Should have at least got the degree while I was married!

8. When I divorced, I didn't have a place to live. I didn't have a car or any furniture. I took the kids, their bunk beds and left. I got a job with a temporary agency and Leslie Maxwell Robinson's aunt let me rent a mobile home.

9. I don't regret getting married. Nor do I regret my divorce.

10. In 2003, I got my Bachelor's in Psychology, started working on a Master's in Social Work, and joined the Church of Jesus Christ, Latter-day Saints all in the same year.

11. Quit my Master's - I didn't like all the liberal views.

12. I love my Savior and my Heavenly Father. Joining the church was the best thing of my life. I have never been happier.

13. I'm the Young Women's President for our little Mexia Branch.

14. I love math and science.I read textbooks for fun! I know I'm a little weird!

15. I have three active blog spots. Check them out to the right.

16. I love living in the country. Most mornings my alarm clock is the little birdies right outside my window. I was sad this morning. The ice storm sent the birdies away. Instead I woke up to the cold, but that turned out to be a good thing because school was delayed for 2 hours.

17. I am in the middle of reading the entire Bible. I'm still in the Old Testament but I only started this in November. I read it straight through as a child so I figured as an adult it should be easier. I have read the entire Book of Mormon 3 times.

18. Johnny Kay Davison Wizorek is my oldest but dearest friend. We still keep in touch. She lives in Indiana. One day we're going to contact Oprah so she can put us on her show. We haven't seen each other since Jr. High.Wouldn't that be a reunion?! LYLAS!

19. My next oldest friend would be Leslie Maxwell Robinson. I have known her for a long, long time. She is always there when I need her.

20. Paula Camp is also a dear old friend. I always know where to find her. She is my foundation. We're both Libras and we are so much alike. She has listened and taught me so much. When I feel like losing it she brings me back to Earth.

21. Dee Stock is my "soul buddy". What I mean by that is that I always feel the Spirit when I'm around her. She brings the best out in me.

22. Then I have the Stewart's, Doug and Joyce. I don't know what I would do without them. Doug has taught me things about life that not many people get. We have shared, discussed, debated, studied, and raised up new thoughts and questions. Joyce is a kind spirit that forgets everything and everyone else when you walk into the room. You are solely her focus. She has been the kind hug, the scratch on the back, the hair twirler (those things that grown girls miss).

23. I love to write and have given several talks at church. Although, I love to write I do not necessarily like speaking. I still get butterflies and my hands shake uncontrollably. Somebody once told me the more you give public speeches the easier they get. I wonder if they ever gave more than one speech because it hasn't gotten any easier for me.

24. I feel deep sorrow for the youth of today. I work with some of the Youth that I have kept in touch with in Houston and I work with the Youth here. There's not much difference. I see darkness, depression, eating disorders, cutting, and much more. I wish they could find their life purpose and know how much God loves them.

25. I am more religious now then I was in Jr. High and High School. Those who knew me then knew I was pretty spiritual back then. Today you would probably call me a fanatic. I believe in keeping the commandments, committing to staying pure in body and mind, and trying to improve myself daily. To many this may sound like I have no fun and that my life is boring filled with rules and limitations. But I'm here to tell you it's the opposite. I have never been more alive. I love life. I love the opportunities and lessons that Life brings.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dr. Suess Goes to ARD

As a Teacher and a Parent of a Special Ed Child - I post this poem. Enjoy!!!

Dr. Seuss Goes to ARD

Do you like the A-R-D?
I do not like the A-R-D!
I do not like them, no, not me!
We test, we check
We plan and meet
But nothing ever seems complete

Would you, could you like this form?
I do not like the forms I see
Not page 1, page 2, page 3
Another change
A new check box
I think we all have lost our rocks

Could you all meet here or there?
We could NOT all meet here or there.
We cannot all fit anywhere!
Not in a room, not in a hall
There seems to be no space at all

Would you, could you meet again?
I cannot meet again next week
I have a job!
Please hear me speak.
No, not at dusk, no not at dawn.
Oh, when, oh, when will this be done?

I cannot think, I cannot write
This does not need to be a fight
Sign here, date there
Mark this, check that
I think that I might eat my hat!

You do not like these ARDs, you say?
When next year rolls around, you may!!
I do not like these ARDs my dear...but...
Invite me, please again next year!

Author Unknown

Nick Vujicic - Get Back Up!!!

Bible File Folder Games

I found this website and thought others might enjoy it.


Saturday, January 17, 2009


From now on I will be posting all recipes at Kayla's Kitchen, http://curiousjogeorge-kaylaskitchen.blogspot.com/. I will focus on healthy, low-fat, low-sugar recipes. Occasionally, I will share the mouth-watering, don't show me the calories, sinful recipes. I believe for the most part we should be careful and watch what we eat. But life is short and should be enjoyed, too! So, you will also find recipes such as the Dr. Pepper cake and the Iguana Joe's green dip. Life would be dull without 'em!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

My Brother's Crazy Family


Friday, January 02, 2009

Faith Elizabeth

This is just wrong!!!
Too cute!!!

The presents that I made this year...

Jennifer's Christmas Purse

Jessica's Birthday Bootie Bag

Jamie's Birthday Bootie Bag

Tamie's Christmas Bootie Bag

Brooke's Christmas Bootie Bag

Johnny - hope this answers your question from the summer. You asked what my next project would be. I couldn't post them because the individuals would see them. Smiles!

Family Christmas

Besides the White Elephant Exchange, we had a different type of Christmas this year. Last year, Dad announced that our family was growing too big and so we drew names. He put a spin on it and said the gifts had to be homemade. As you will see not everyone participated but the majority of us did. Those that didn't participate said they would this next year. So, we drew names again.

White Elephant Gift

We had a White Elephant Gift Exchange for our Family Christmas Party. I drew the first number and this is what I opened...

It was a bra made out of the same candy used to make those candy necklaces. In the end, Joey stole it from me.

Oh, the places you may be...

Daily Bible Verse